First and foremost for a website to rank well in search engines it has to be well structured and have a good user experience. That will be the case for every website we produce. There are a number of other factors that help SEO and some of these involve trade-offs.

We will discuss how important SEO is to our clients in the first phase of every project. Everyone at The Web Kitchen understands the principles of SEO so we can structure, design and develop the site according to the importance of SEO in your marketing mix.

SEO is obviously a competitive area so climbing the rankings is hard and does take time. The websites we produce have the foundations to perform well in search results but a content strategy will need to be implemented to see improvements over time.

As part of a website project we can:

  • conduct a full audit of the search performance of your existing site
  • highlight keywords to target with the new site
  • help you formulate the right content strategy for the ongoing generation and publication of content for your site
  • ensure that best practice is followed with the launch of your new site including 301 redirects of all old URLs

For clients that take our Ongoing Support Agreement, we can then monitor performance over time, and re-prioritise and re-target as we reach your goals. 

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