NEWS • 2 July 2014

Parallax Scrolling: A fantastic Web Design technique that can bring a site to life

Recently, parallax scrolling is being used more and more as a web design tool in order to make website that much more engaging. But first of all, what is it?

Parallax scrolling is a web design technique where, as a visitor scrolls down a web page, the background images of the web page move more slowly than the images in the foreground. This gives the webpage a sense of depth visually and, if the web page is well designed, a sense of exploration an ordinary webpage cannot easily offer.

The big advantage of parallax scrolling as a web design tool is its ability to tell a story. Storytelling is becoming increasingly prominent when marketing products, and many companies want to use storytelling to endear customers to their product. Parallax scrolling can help a great deal with this through a relatively simple process.

By using parallax scrolling, a website visitor can take control of their own interactive journey as they view one of your web pages. As the scroll down the web page, they can be shown all manner of things as the story associated with the product unravels, perhaps in strange and unusual ways. This web design technique is a brilliant way of retaining audience attention.

Also, Parallax scrolls gives you a great deal of control over a visitor’s journey too. By using this scrolling technique you can lead customers to a specific call to action at the end of the page so, once the scrolling has enticed them, a link will be there letting them buy your product or service. 

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